Poem instead of sappy text [which you hate] // Jordan Barger

I’m real glad I had you around for a bit, ‘cause nobody does nothing alone. Sorry you’re from Pennsylvania. [missing you in front of all these computer info-zines] You’re real damn far now. Making noise in some other city, greyer and more European. [titles like: How to make noise with stuff from Office Depot] You told me a story once, about teaching a class of kids who wanted to make beats, and you used all your earnings to buy them gear. [one more: Design a flyer with the programs on your parents’ work laptop] You are constantly calling yourself a terror, but the world is more vibrant and loud because you are restlessly helpful.


Jordan Barger is a translator currently attending the University of Iowa's MFA program in Literary Translation. His translations of Yahya Hassan can recently be found in Circumference, FENCE and Poetry Magazine.


Estradiol Roughly Translates To A Spade // Cassandra Whitaker


Hindsight called, she says you’re a lesbian / Isabella McCormick